My Trip to Costa Rica

Published on: Author: simonedc15 6 Comments

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I’m in Costa Rica! So far I’ve seen around 50 monkeys, 5 parrots, 80 iguanas, bugs, birds, crocodiles and about a dozen coatis.

One day we went to an artisan pottery studio.  They taught us how to make pottery.  They use lots of tools.  One of the tools was made out of a left over corn cob but with no corn.  I even got to paint the first layer!  We bought some mugs and bowls.

Another day we went on a river tour.  We saw lots of birds, monkeys, bugs, iguanas and crocodiles.  When the tour was over we saw howler monkeys and they howled!  When we got back Rio Tempisque we made sugar with a ox.  My sister Neve would hold a pitcher, the ox would walk around in a circle which made the machine move in a circle and crush what ever touched it.  So I held a sugar cane and stuck it through the machine. The result was pure sugar cane juice.

The day before yesterday we went zip lining.  We saw lots of monkeys.  My favorite zip line was when I did superwoman with the guide.  My second favorite was going upside down!  When you do superwoman you have to have a guide.  On upside down you don’t have to have a guide.  We did nine zip lines.  It was so much fun!

Yesterday a few of us went surfing – Mason, Auntie Alex and my dad.  McKenzie, Grammy, Grumps and I went to watch them.  Neve and mom went to get Neve a bathing suit.  Dad and Auntie Alex fell every time.  Mason made it all the way once.  We got bored of watching so we went to lunch.  Then we went shopping and a got a bird whistle necklace and a larger bird whistle.

I have had so much fun on this trip!




6 Responses to My Trip to Costa Rica Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. Dear Simone,
    I miss you much! I know you love Costa Rica, I am glad you are having so much fun. On the second image I can see you having fun with your sister in Costa Rica. Were there any designs on the mugs and bowls? I went to Costa Rica before, and it is amazing!
    From your friend,
    Rhianna 🙂

  2. Dear Simone,
    What a wonderful week for you and your family. Since I’ve never been to Costa Rica, I learned so much from your story about it. The list of animals you saw was AMAZING! It sounds like you had the ultimate field trip. I can’t wait to see you and hear all the stories!

    From your teacher,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  3. Dear Simone,
    I love your blog. It was a fun and educational post to read. I only found a few typos. They were: day day and: a ox instead of: an ox. But that’s okay. The English language is weird and hard to understand. I learned a lot from your post! I look forward to come and comment on your blog more often!


  4. Hi Simone
    I think it really cool that you went to Costa Rica. I bet you had fun there. Why did you go there?

  5. Dear Simone,
    It was hard for me when you wrote about the ox and sugar until you explained it in class. what was your favorite part in Costa Rica? I am sorry that you got sick on your very fun trip.
    From your friend Emme😊💕

  6. Dear Simone,
    I bet that trip was really fun! I wish I could go there. I didn’t get to here your presentation, so I glad you posted about it. The pictures you put with your post were amazing! and knowing that you saw 50 Monkeys was just crazy too! It sounded like you had a blast! Keep posting wonder full adventures!

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