Thanksgiving is Coming Up

Published on: Author: simonedc15 8 Comments

Thanksgiving is coming up!  Do you spend time with family and friends?  I do.  I’m going to tell you a Thanksgiving story about a turkey family!

There once was a turkey with two sisters who can be annoying.  So she decided she was going to take a walk.  She passed a farm house, five houses and one angry dog.  She walked one more mile then she saw a restaurant and she went in. There were people eating lots of food.  The turkey was so hungry she went to the back of the restaurant where she saw a man.  He was cutting turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner and went to grab her.  But she was so smart and launched herself out the window and ran away.  Well now at home the turkeys mom was wondering where she was so she sent the next turkey.  This turkey was even smarter.   So she left and went by a farm house, five houses and one angry dog and came to the restaurant.  Then she realized that she was hungry and crept to the kitchen and there was the man still cutting up turkeys.  She thought I’d better get out of here!  She tucked herself into a ball and rolled right out the door.  Mom was getting worried and sent the oldest out to find her sisters. So she left and went by a farm house, five houses and one angry dog and came to the restaurant.  Right away she saw what was happening. She launched herself in the air and landed on his head!  He screamed so loud that all the waiters came in to see what was wrong. When they saw the turkey sitting on his head, they started to laugh and laugh. They laughed so hard that the chef also started to laugh. One waiter said, “looks like you have a new friend.” The chef said, “well I think this is one turkey I’m not going to eat this year.” And with that, the turkey hopped down and waddled out the door.  The mom and her three turkeys named Gobbles, Strut and Peck lived happily ever after.

8 Responses to Thanksgiving is Coming Up Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. Dear Simone,

    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your story about the turkeys!!! It’s funny because you have a friend named Mia!! Would you send her to the butcher????? Great job, keep up with the great stories!!


    Michael B DePetris

  2. Dear Simone,
    Your report was so much fun to read! I’m sure glad that the mom and her 3 turkeys ended up living happily ever after. You told us such a cute story and I’m excited to see what you write next! You also used great word choice. I noticed that you used the word launched and I had a funny picture painted in my mind.

    I’m thankful for you Simone,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  3. Dear Simone,
    I loved the turkey story. It was really funny because of all the commotion with the turkey on the man’s head. It was also funny that the waiter laughed at the man with the turkey on his head.
    What did you enjoy the most?
    Coen 🙂

    • Dear Coen,
      Thank you for looking at my posts.
      I liked the part where the turkey was on his head!
      Do you want me to write another story?

  4. Dear Simone,
    I love your story! I also love your title: Thanksgiving is coming up! Did you get inspired by Neil to write this story? I think someone might get inspired by you and then it keeps on going on and on!
    Rhianna 🙂

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